I enjoyed reading that. I am so glad I will never face such a life. I knew one Witness who felt she could never live in paradise with the others in her congregation - all the gossip and politics and judgmental attitudes. She also couldn't turn her back on the JW's because of all the feelings of guilt that gave her. Then she had a brainwave - she decided she couldn't stand the thought of living with that lot because she was of the 144000! That was Ok up to a point, but the congregation never accepted that she was 'really' one of the 144000 and the elders even came to talk to her before each memorial to suggest she reconsider. Arrogant lot. Finally she left the Org. Your story above reminded me of the reasons she couldn't stand the idea of living forever with them!
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
The Diary of an Armageddon Survivor
by reneeisorym inbrother thorn told brother.
i told him i didn't feel well.
i told ed thorn that.
Elder for 30 years, lost privelages due to WT Education policy
by justhuman inthis is a really good one.
an elder who was serving for more than 30 years, faithfull to the organization at all means, has lost his privelage due to the wt education policy.
the reason was that he allowed his son to study at the university.
James Free
The GB and writing committees are all moral cowards. They bully their flock with pharisaic opinion, but always in a subtle way because they are scared of the consequences of actually telling people what to do. They use phrases like 'It's a matter for your own Bible-trained conscience, nut a mature Christian would not do it' etc. Then, since it not spelt out in black and white, different congregations apply it with different levels of enforcement. An elder can be removed in one congregation, but not in another - yet the Holy Spirit is supposed to be directing things. It's all very pathetic really.
Elder for 30 years, lost privelages due to WT Education policy
by justhuman inthis is a really good one.
an elder who was serving for more than 30 years, faithfull to the organization at all means, has lost his privelage due to the wt education policy.
the reason was that he allowed his son to study at the university.
James Free
I doubt there is a specific letter. But it is totally possible that an Elder can lose his position if the other elders in his congregation decide he is not setting the right example. This can apply to any preference the local body feels strongly enough about. As usual it is also often part of the local politics and a way to get rid of an Elder by the others. A leading Elder who is pals with the CO will be OK.
UZBEKISTAN: Entire JW denomination to be banned?
by kwr inuzbekistan: entire denomination to be banned?
by felix corley, forum 18 news service <http://www.forum18.org>.
if, as the jehovah's witnesses increasingly fear is likely, the authorities.
James Free
I completely and totally disagree. Banning the JW's is not the answer! In fact, it adds to their credibility that they are persecuted, so must be pleasing God.
Providing information so potential converts will be able to make an informed choice, which would then likely be No, I don't. want to join, is far better. Drive anything underground and it thrives.
If you are going to ban them, ban all the other religions as well - they are all evil in their own way.
The more open society is, the less persecution, the harder it is for the WT to get new members. All the stats show that. -
Why Doesn't the Governing Body Follow the Examples of the "Bible Writers"?
by AllTimeJeff inthe witnesses often claim that they are the true religion.
that there existence has fulfilled bible prophesy and bible chronology.
because the true religion should (in their own words) imitate exactly the candor of the bible writers who..... quote: *** ba p. 16 can this book be trusted?
James Free
Many good points raised. The total lack of humility, disguised as a desire not to bring reproach on God's name, always shocked me. I waited for years to read an apology about the 1975 fiasco. I was shocked when it finally came - it blamed some overzealous brothers - not the GB for it. This was an outright lie.
Even the WT history books, like the Proclaimers book, glosses over the facts. This is plain dishonesty.
It is a proof that they are NOT God's appointed servants today. -
How ethical is it to sow DOUBT in the minds of sincere Jehovah's Witnesses?
by nicolaou inwe know that we can't always take the direct approach and we know that even a short, reasonable discussion is often out of the question with jw's we may love dearly so we often try to place a little doubt in their minds.
we want them to start questioning cherished beliefs.. is this fair of us?
are we placing our our own agendas ahead of their needs?
James Free
"We can but witness to the Gospel and leave the working to God's Spirit."
If you can help a JW to see for themselves that they are being tricked - that it is all a religious fantasy - great. After all, they go from door to door to spread their own version of religion. ALL RELIGION WILL EVENTUALLY DIE OUT - such mumbo-jumbo has no place in the 21st Century! -
Did You See Brothers Use Politics to Reach Out For M/S or Elder Positions?
by flipper inhello folks.
valid question i believe.
in the early 80's 1979 to 1985 i was a m/s and stepped down after having 3 kids bang, bang, bang in late 20's.
James Free
I saw politics in use all the time. I spent some time in Cyprus and I can tell you the WT there is riddled with it. It's all very ugly.
Need LOGICAL PRESENTATION that FDS is BS- talk w/2 elders wanting to help
by AWAKE&WATCHING inmy best friend showed up where i work to see what's going on with me.
i haven't called her since she told an elder at my hall that i was falling out of the truth, little does she know i've fallen and i don't want to get up.. i told her i had now done my research and i absolutely don't believe it.
she said she didn't want to hear my apostate stuff.
James Free
I agree with sweet pea. You will not persuade the elders in any way. They won't even be listening! They will just be considering what you say with a view to getting rid of you.
Meeting with the elders - complete waste of time. -
Americans dont understand the Queens english
by barry inan australian on an american domestic flight was taken aside and questioned because of an incident.. the australian lady requested something salty like pretzels on an american domestic flight.
the stewartess thought she was swearing when she replied 'fair dinkum '.when the stewardesss said they had no pretzels.. just saw it on the tv tonight.. come to think of it havent herd the queen saying fair dinkum lately..
James Free
I watched Ripley's Believe It Or Not! TV show recently. They had people from Australia being interviewed. Although their accents were not very strong - no Aussie words - the producers decided to add SUB-TITLES! Haha - It always amazes me that US TV treats it's audience as if it is almost brain dead. I wonder why?
If you were the GB, what would you do to prevent to coming demise of JWs?
by jwfacts inthe current growth of jws no longer exceed the population growth, and in many educated countries it is now stagnant.
http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/statistics.htm in 50 years the whole 1914 thing will simply be an embarrasing irrelevance, so for the religion to even exist in 2057 will take some major doctrinal changes.. decrease is quite common for christian religions, except pentecostals, who are experiencing tremendous growth.
maybe they have jesus' blessing.
James Free
The Org. is already in decline. The ones getting baptized are nearly all from within or relatives of those already in in country after country. In the third world they are still growing from outside - by promising a better life to those almost without hope of getting one in this life. But, demise? That's not going to happen anytime soon. I wish it were otherwise, but the religion is quite solid - good news is seen as a blessing from Jehovah and bad news as persecution from Satan - a perfect double. Either way they can spout scripture to say they are still the 'truth' - and most of the followers are trained to accept anything the GB tells them without question. I know, I was like that too, once.